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1976 Fuji 1000km endurance

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  • 1976 Fuji 1000km endurance

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Nom : 		184670332_289674702640529_1353124717598909743_n.jpg?_nc_cat=109&ccb=1-3&_nc_sid=8024bb&_nc_ohc=yoigvjP_3koAX8scY26&_nc_ht=scontent-dus1-1.xx&tp=7&oh=98e18060d44facfe8204d47bd538fb07&oe=60C17D5C.jpg 
Affichages :	85 
Taille :		50,2 Ko 
ID : 			293778

    Seiichiro Tsujimoto's and Kazuyoshi Hoshino's admirable performance at the 1976 Fuji 1000km endurance!

    Held on the 25th of July, the event would consist of 61 entries, 55 which started but only 24 would actually finish with the two top runners finishing within two laps of each other. Fumiyasu Sato & Tetsuji Kosasa completed the full 185 laps in their Dalmex March 73S / BMW (1st in R Class) with the Lola T390 / BMW of Haruhito Yanagita & Nobuhide Tachi taking second overall (183 laps, 2nd in R Class).

    Placing in 8th place, 3rd in Class 3, Tsujimoto's and Hoshino's BRAUN Fairlady 280Z (163 laps) would be no match on this occasion for the arch-rival being the Mazda RX-3 Savannah, one driven by the legendary pair that was Yoshimi Katayama & Takashi Yorino that took the 3rd podium spot but also was also running in the Racing class. In Class 3, The 6th position was occupied by Yasuhiro Okamoto & Yojiro Terada with the 7th spot being taken up by Takayuki Imazu & Mamoru Katsuta in RX-3's.

    Yokohama / SAN's

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    Dernière modification par datsun240z, 11 mai 2021, 20h27.