Hi guys new to this site ..... so after a long wait i finally got my 240 z (72) project early Christmas gift ..... came early in the morning ....saw the exhaust was hanging which was not bad it has came a long way from Oklahoma to Alsace (France) .... it was a cold start so took me round about 20 min to get it running ( exhaust was still not attached woke up the whole neighborhood) after it was running attached the exhaust and straight to work strip it which was already half done by the previous owner took a small joy ride really happy with it ..
Aucune annonce.
Early Christmas gift
Salut Ronirohit ! On parle français tu sais .
Ravi que ton importation se soit bien passée. Tu as des photos de ta Z?
Joyeux Noël en tout cas
PS : je n'arrive pas à lire la vidéo.Scorpion93, Sodeskhahhh , 280Z d'origine, 126 000 miles moteur refait a priori il y a 26 000 miles. Pour rappel origine Mercedes
SLK 200K de 2005 (privé)
Classe C de 2011 (taff)
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tried to attached pics which i took but its not working bcoz its high res. .... and i dont speak french .... i also have a que. do i need te original title to register the car in france .... btw all the parts are their even all the parts which i have to replace such ass floor panel rails ez wire kit etc lots of parts and is just surface rust i checked and my name is just rohit but you can call me ronnieFichiers attachés- 119176385_10158501799377170_9078988424011845113_o.jpg (97,3 Ko, 218 affichages)
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Dernière modification par ronirohit, 18 décembre 2020, 19h28.
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Hi Ronnie, yes there is a limitation on picture size here. For Floor panels... ask Sean our president. He is English . For title, you need to go through French FFVE (fédération française des véhicules d'époque). Sean can help you through if needed, or do it with an oldtimer garage. Where in Alsace are you axcatly?
Ya i got most of the parts with the car .... and i already spoken with sean ... i am near strasbourg
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Once corona is less a daily trouble we could meet. I live now in Germany, Mannheim, roughly 1:30-2h drive from where you are. From Germany Whattsapp group there is a Z owner close to Rastatt, I do not know if he can help to find a good Z garage. I know a guy close to Speyer, but that's farer away. In Alsace, I have no clue.
Once my car is finished i would like to meet .... but first i wanted to do chemical dipping treatment of the whole car i searched it came up with one but located in England https://www.surfaceprocessing.co.uk/...cle-solutions/ can do the whole chassis... if anyone knows anyone who can do it let me know ... thx in advance
there seems to have here in South Alsace and close to Alsace in Germany too. See this site : https://www.car-stripping.com/de/s3/kataforese-ktl
Regarding car dipping chemical treatment, there is one in France: The Heuliez bus company has a complete line with the right size for a car body.
The company went bankrupt, but I know that they still work as subcontractors... Ask Sean as he lives in Vendée and the company is in this area.
I do not know about the price compared with the UK solution, but UK is most probably becoming headake from January the 1st!!
Je suis de Reims et tu es le bienvenu si tu passes dans le secteur !!