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The 10th Fuji All Japan Clubman Tournament in 1968

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  • The 10th Fuji All Japan Clubman Tournament in 1968

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Nom : 		116153318_159666232308044_794807946537051371_n.jpg?_nc_cat=109&_nc_sid=8024bb&_nc_ohc=bPdUuiv1XUQAX_YN3GJ&_nc_ht=scontent-amt2-1.xx&oh=b25c485ccbd635f6f3e02c567b428681&oe=5F45EEBF.jpg 
Affichages :	73 
Taille :		87,7 Ko 
ID : 			284086
    On the front row of the All Japan Touring Car race at The 10th Fuji All Japan Clubman Tournament in 1968 we have nearly all Skyline GT's with one sole Toyota 1600GT.

    The #18 1600GT (Class 2) of Minoru Kawai would take 1st place, then the #21 Prince Skyline 2000GT (Class 2) of Yu Hagiwara would take 3rd place.

    The #33 Skyline GT (Class 2) of Yuhiro Suda would drop out after 11 laps just managing to do over half of the race length which was 20 laps and the #34 Skyline GT (Class 2) of Mitsuo Tamura would go on to manage five laps before getting a DNF.

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    Dernière modification par datsun240z, 30 juillet 2020, 20h07.