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All Japan Fuji Stock Car 300km Race 1970

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  • All Japan Fuji Stock Car 300km Race 1970

    Cliquez sur l'image pour la voir en taille réelle 

Nom : 		109921138_157198199221514_7881181070979585690_n.png?_nc_cat=105&_nc_sid=8024bb&_nc_ohc=4bnSs62XZ4MAX_wCqks&_nc_ht=scontent-amt2-1.xx&oh=0b72f5b1bd1bb1a4e0a3f47954663126&oe=5F3950C1.png 
Affichages :	74 
Taille :		562,8 Ko 
ID : 			283678

    Cliquez sur l'image pour la voir en taille réelle 

Nom : 		109821700_157198219221512_1967063124401209993_n.png?_nc_cat=105&_nc_sid=8024bb&_nc_ohc=akEpjlswmeYAX8ueQcJ&_nc_ht=scontent-amt2-1.xx&oh=d0e49ae971dd8c4bef1c12c88a266a93&oe=5F3B99CD.png 
Affichages :	69 
Taille :		356,0 Ko 
ID : 			283679
    The All Japan Fuji Stock Car 300km Race was held in 1970 and here you can see the #18 Skyline GT which was a Nissan Works car that had no front spoiler and the privateer was a year and a half ahead. You can see that it is quite different compared to the Kubota Hiroshi's 2000GT-R on the left rear in the second photo.

    The #18 Skyline GT (Class 2) of Kunimitsu Takahashi would win the race despite not having the most up to date body modifications and Kubota Hiroshi's Skyline 2000GT-R (Class 2) would take 2nd place.

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    Pour en lire plus...
    Dernière modification par datsun240z, 20 juillet 2020, 09h10.