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Amelioration freinage (S30)

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  • Amelioration freinage (S30)

    Peugeot 505 et Toyota Hi-Lux conversion

    Il faut la traduire des gars (et une fille) :

    You will need :

    Vented brake discs for a Peugeot 505 gti or Talbot tagora.
    The discs are readily available but be sure that they are the vented type. Some 505s had solid discs fitted

    Brake callipers from a Toyota Hilux 4x4 of Hilux Surf
    These callipers were fitted to several of the Hilux range including the Surf (import only) They are 4 pot with ribs on the outside face. There are two types of Toyota calipers, one with equal size pistons and one with different sizes. You need the former/earlier ones.

    Wheel spacers to suit your wheels (8mm thick for standard iron cross wheels)
    These are needed to allow the wheel to clear the calliper body.

    Long wheel studs either from the rear of a zed of Nissan Bluebird.
    The studs compensate for the wheel spacer addition.

    Hilux brake pads or pads for Subaru WRC
    Hilux pads are needed to fit the calliper but some Subaru WRC pads also fit and more exotic material is available for these.

    Tame machinist.
    The discs need machining and this is best done in a 4 jaw chuck or a CNC milling machine.

    How to do it :

    Remove the calliper and hubs from the front axle. Remove the dust shield. Unbolt the the old discs from the hub by putting a wheel on the bench and putting the hub studs back through the holes in the wheel. This stops the hub turning. Then with a long socket handle, undo the disc bolts.
    Drive the disc from the hub with a chisel or wedge (it will be tight on the hub due to corrosion).
    Remove the studs from the hub by fitting an old wheel nut and hitting it with a large hammer.
    The discs can now be machined to fit the hubs. The holes for the studs in the Peugeot disc are on the wrong pitch circle diameter (PCD) and the centre bore is too small to fit on the datsun hub. The machinist needs to open up the bore to be a good fit on the hub (this is not an interference fit but a good sliding fit). 4 new clearance holes need to be drilled between the ones in the Peugeot disc to suit the PCD the zed hub. Machining the bore and marking the new PCD need to be done in a 4 jaw chuck or CNC machining centre to ensure concentricity.
    Rebolt the new discs to the hub.
    Refit the hub.
    Fit the new calliper to the existing bolt holes for the zed calliper.
    Use the existing zed steel pipe work to connect to the calliper.
    Fit the pads (you need to get them the right way up because they are handed)
    Bleed it and all should be well.

    Stop safely - time and time again !

  • #2
    bi-m?itre-cylindre systeme

    bi-m?itre-cylindre systeme (qui remplace le maitre et esclave cylindres) avec bias avant/arri?re incorpor?.


    • #3
      Une bonne adresse pour une ?volution freinage

      point important:
      maitre cylindre en 15/16 au lieu de 7/8 (pas mal pour une ?volution de freinage)
      Freinage 4 piston avec disque ventil?s 2 fois moins ch?re que sur Zstore
      "la valeur de la vie peut être mesurée par le nombre de fois où votre âme a été profondément ému."
      Soichiro Honda 1906-1991

      Le blog de la restauration de ma 260Z 2+2 et son swap V8

